Monday, March 24, 2008

Praise the Lord!

Not only did Jesus die to save me from sin, but God answers our prayers on a daily basis.

We are getting very close to building a new home... Thank you, God!

We are all healthy for now, no more flu... Thanks you, God!

Despite a recent chill in the air, Spring in definitely sproinging around here... Thank you, God!

We are pregnant with baby #5, due in early December... THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!!!

All I have need of His hand will provide, He's always been faithful to me...
(Sara Groves, "He's Always Been Faithful")


CONNIE W said...

Congrats and God be with you.
How especially wonderful!

Marcia said...

Glad to hear you are all recovering from the "plague". It's no fun when anyone is sick, but escpecially hard on moms when their wee ones are sick. Congrats on the new house.