Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Baby Update...

Monday I had an OB appointment. This is the first delivery I've had at this particular hospital with these doctors so I'm always curious to see how their methods differ from the other two hospitals where I've had babies. This doctor wants to induce me so that they can be prepared for the inevitable "sticky placenta"; she also seems to think that since this is my fifth delivery, my uterus is more likely to prolapse. Oh, joy...

So a tentative induction date has been set for Monday, November 24. I will have an epidural in place, so that after the baby comes out they can manually remove the placenta without all the discomfort I've had during the previous times.

I am more than just a little excited about knowing the day that she's supposed to arrive.

In preparation for the little lady's arrival I have accomplished the following:
  • I have three dozen cloth diapers, 6 covers, and 3 dozen+ cloth wipes for the impending tiny hiney.
  • I also made a snazzy diaper bag that is only slightly bigger than the purse that I made myself. And it matches my wallet, too!
  • The carseat ispurchased, ready, and waiting.
  • So is the sling.
  • The clothes/bedding/furniture/everything else have been gone through but are still boxed up at Granny's, because I am hoping that God will perform a miracle and we'll actually be in the new house before she gets here Otherwise I will retrieve/wash the newborn sized stuff/port-a-crib/essentials about two weeks prior to D-Day and we will "make do" here until we can move.

Speaking of the house, here's what there is left to do that I can think of off the top of my head:
  • drywall/sheetrock
  • hardwood floors
  • interior trim
  • vinyl siding
  • cabinets
  • sinks/showers/tubs/toilets
  • air conditioning
  • fireplace
  • interior paint
  • interior doors
  • driveway

Can all this be done and allow time for the "legal stuff" so that we can move in before the baby is scheduled to arrive? God only knows ;) I'm so glad that He's in charge of it all.

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